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Archive for August 2018

Stables Entered in Withybrook

Overnight stables have been entered in Withybrook, internal gates were opened and horses let out.  A number of tools are missing including a post rammer.  Horses are safe. If you saw anyone acting suspiciously in this area or have any information that could help the police with their enquiries please call 101 and refer to…

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Damage to Vehicle in Polesworth

Some time between 02.00 hrs and 08.00 hrs this morning (2/8/18), unknown offender(s) have smashed the passenger window to a vehicle parked on Bridge Street, Polesworth.  It is not known at this time if anything has been taken. If you saw anything or have any information that could help the police with their enquiries please…

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Theft From Car in Kingsbury

At around 02.00 hrs on 1/8/18, a noise was heard outside a property on Sycamore Road, Kingsbury.  The homeowner checked his vehicle which was secure, a noise was later heard approx. 30 minutes later.  Three males were seen to exit a vehicle, described as a dark coloured VW Golf with a low down large exhaust…

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Youths Seen Trying Car Door Handles in Cawston

At around 03.30 hrs on 1/8/18, 6 youths, 2 girls and 4 boys, described as white and in their late teens were seen on Sigwels Road, Cawston trying the door handles on parked cars.  A security light came on and the youths were seen to run off in the direction of Bilton.  No vehicle was…

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Field Entered and Horses Moved in Hartshill

On the 1/8/18 the owner of horses in a field at Hartshill found someone had entered the area and moved horses into an area with long grass and no water. The horses were in a restricted area due to laminitis and access to long grass could have caused them to be ill, especially where there…

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Stolen Car Recovered With Thanks to NHW Member

On 1/8/18, a suspicious vehicle parked in a car park in Birchmoor was called in by a member of NHW following concerns about the car.  The vehicle was checked by officers from the local policing team and found to be on false plates and stolen.  The vehicle was recovered and the owner informed. Thank you…

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Urgent Alert Re Doorstep Knockers

Warwickshire Police have received reports of door knockers who are portraying that they are working for a charity or other organisation and using this to gain entry into the home and then stealing items. Descriptions received advise of Eastern Europeans, both male and female, under 50 years of age, in a blue vehicle, possibly a…

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Theft From Car in Hartshill

Some time between  19.00hrs and 21.30 hrs on 31/7/18, unknown offender(s) entered a vehicle parked in the layby on Oldbury Road, Hartshill and stole a Lenovo Syncpad 50 from the back seat. If you saw anyone acting suspiciously or have any information that could help the police with their enquiries please call 101 and refer…

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Purse Stolen From Car in Corley

At around 17.15 hrs on 31/7/18, a white male on a pushbike was seen to put his hand in an open window of a car parked at a property on Bennets Road, Corley and steal  a purse containing cash.  The offender is described as a white male, early 20’s and wearing a baseball cap. Did…

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