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Kenilworth Community Forum

The Kenilworth Community Forum policing priorities vote is now live. Visit https://www.warwickshire.police.uk/article/57365 to cast your vote online. Voting closes 04-MAR-2019.

Suggested priorities are:

• ASB / Reassurance Patrols – Kenilworth Parks & Open Spaces
• Crime Reduction Patrols – Kenilworth Town Centre
• Speed Checks / Monitoring – Cromwell Lane, Burton Green
• Burglary Prevention Patrols – Kenilworth
• Vehicle Crime Prevention Patrols – Kenilworth

Don’t forget to vote!

Kenilworth Safer Neighbourhood Team
Jubilee House Kenilworth CV8 1QG
Dial: 01926 684404
Email: kenilworth.snt@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk
Website: www.warwickshire.police.uk
Twitter: @KenilworthCops