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Archive for February 2019

Diesel Stolen From Tank in Meriden

Overnight, possibly around 00.15 hrs, unknown offender(s) entered a site in Packington Lane, Meriden and stole diesel from a tank.  If you saw anyone or a vehicle acting suspiciously in the area around this time please call 101 and refer to inc 101 of 15/2/19 or email NorthWarwickshireRuralAlerts@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk. For crime prevention advice please go to…

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Sheep Attacked By Dog in Kenilworth

A dog has attacked sheep this morning on land near to Castle Road, Kenilworth. The injuries and suffering sustained by one of the sheep caused it to have be put down. This event serves as a reminder to all dog owners that is their responsibility to ensure that their dogs are kept on a lead when…

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Theft From Motor Vehicle in Hatton

Between 17.30hrs on Tuesday 12 February and 08.30hrs on Wednesday 13 February 2019 offenders have broken into a silver Ford Transit motor vehicle at Combroke Grove, Hatton Park, Hatton. They have stolen power tools and accessories.  If you saw anything or have any information that could help the police with their enquiries please call 101…

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Car Key Burglary in Barford

At around 01.00hrs on Wednesday 13 February 2019 offenders have smashed a window at a property at Hewitt Road, Barford and grabbed the keys to a white BMW X5 Motor Vehicle. The offenders have then stolen the BMW motor vehicle. If you saw anything or have any information that could help the police with their…

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Security Company Scam Warning

Residents are warned of a what is described as a ‘security company scam’ operating in the Kenilworth and Warwick area where a telephone call is received by householders. The caller purports to be from a Security Company and may state that they are endorsed by Warwickshire Police and/or West Midlands Police. The caller then seeks to make an…

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Doorknockers in Kenilworth

Please be aware that a number of individuals were around Kenilworth on Tuesday 12 February 2019 door knocking and trying to sell items. The activity went on until approximately 21.00hrs. Police attended several reports and checked out some of the individuals doing the door knocking. No offences were detected but the door knockers left the town…

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Car Stolen in Kingsbury

Some time between 00.30 hrs and 06.30 hrs today (13/2/19) unknown offender(s) entered a property on Tamworth Road, Kingsbury and stole a grey VW, registration ending LTO.  If you saw anyone acting suspiciously or have any information that could help the police with their enquiries please call 101 and refer to inc 38 of 13/2/19…

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Two Incidents Dealt With by OPU With Good Results

Warwickshire Police OPU officers picked up a vehicle of interest on the M6 southbound last night.  They used a tactical box to stop the car on the M1 southbound which contained a wanted person. Vehicle stopped safely at Watford Gap and one person now in custody. As they finished dealing with that and started heading back…

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