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Plea From Local Officers in North Warwickshire

“I drove here to do some exercise”I’m sorry but bird watching isn’t exercise and you shouldn’t have driven here in the first place – RSPB at Middleton

“Our child was bored so came for a walk”. We are all in this together and our children get bored. It’s no excuse to drive 10 miles to get here – Middleton Hall

“Am I not allowed to drive here to go for a walk?”drove from Birmingham – Shustoke Reservoir.

“We didn’t think it would be busy so came here from Birmingham”It’s not essential travel to come here for a walk – Kingsbury Water Park

These are a sample of responses given whilst dealing with incidents patrolling from Coleshill Station today…

With Easter weekend on the horizon please think of others and stay at home.

#StayAtHome #WeAreInThisTogether #Covid19 #ProtectTheNHS