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Sheep Attacks Reported in Austrey and Warwick

Again we are having to remind the public to be responsible dog owners and keep their animals under control, especially around livestock.

In the last few days we have had very distressing incidents reported with the sheep involved receiving serious injuries and in one case having to be euthanized.

Incident 55 of 7/10/20 – Warwick

PC Andy Steventon from the Rural Crime Team would like to speak to a white female, mid 40s, 5 foot 2inch tall with blonde hair, glasses, yellow Wellington boots and a pink rain coat. Seen to be chasing a tan coloured border collie dog in the field at the time of the incident.

A newly weaned lamb was attacked by a dog in Warwick, close to the racecourse on Sunday 4th October.

These injuries have NOT been caused by a wild animal and the dog/s that inflicted the injuries would have been covered in blood, as such the owners would have know something had happened.

Two lambs were attacked during the incident with one lamb being euthanised shortly after and it’s likely the second one will as well.

Incident 363 8/10/20 – Austrey

Some time between 08.00 hrs and 16.30 hrs yesterday (8/10/20), believed may have been around 08.20 hrs, when the sheep were seen huddling together, a breeding ewe was savagely attacked by a dog in the field next to Austrey playing Fields.  The ewe was covered in blood where the dog had attacked her at the neck so would have blood on itself when it returned back to the owner or home it came from.  If you saw or have seen a dog in this field or running lose around the playing fields without its owner or have any information that can help the police with this incident please contact us.  The ewe has had to have treatment and we are awaiting to see if she pulls through.  The other sheep in the flock were severley traumatised.