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Two Jailed in Connection With County Lines Drug Dealing – Atherstone

Two men have been jailed in connection with county lines drug dealing offences in Atherstone.

Jervius Dunkley-Hale, 24, of Wimbourne Road, and Aaron Robinson, 24, of Gillott Road, both from Birmingham, appeared at Warwick Crown Court for sentencing last Thursday, 17 December, after pleading guilty to two counts of possession with intent to supply of a controlled Class A drug with intent to supply at an earlier court appearance.

On Thursday, 19 October 2019, officers from the Nuneaton Proactive CID Team executed a warrant under the Misuse of Drugs Act at an address on Nightingale Close in Atherstone.

Aaron Robinson.JPG

(Aaron Robinson)

On entering the property, officers discovered Dunkley-Hale and Robinson bent over a small table preparing drugs. On the table there was crack cocaine, weighing scales, razor blades and cigarette papers.

Both men were arrested and a large quantity of crack cocaine along with 17 individual wraps of a cocaine and heroin were seized.

Robinson was sentenced to four and a half years in prison while Dunkley-Hale was jailed for four years.

Jervius Dunkley-Hale.JPG

(Jervius Dunkley-Hale)

Detective Constable Darren Giles from the Nuneaton Proactive CID Team said: “We are pleased with last week’s sentence and hope it sends a strong message to anyone involved in county lines drug dealing that we will not tolerate it in our county.

“The misery drugs can cause is well known not just to those who take them but also to those in the local community which is why we will proactively target people we believe to be involved in drugs and use the powers we have to make sure their activity is disrupted.

“Now that Dunkley-Hale and Robinson are both off the streets and behind bars, I hope this goes some way to reassuring the public we will thoroughly investigate all drugs activity so we can bring offenders to justice and protect our communities from harm.”

Warwickshire Police is committed to tackling drug offences within the county. Anyone with concerns about the supply of drugs in their communities is asked to contact us – reports can be made via our website or by calling 101. Always call 999 in an emergency.

Information can also be provided anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or via their website.