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Sheep Worrying Incident Reported in Baddesley Ensor

During the last week two incidents have been reported of sheep being attacked by dog(s) in a field behind St Nicholas Estate, Baddesley Ensor/Grendon Community Centre, Grendon.  Fortunately the two ewes have survived with some wounds, but were very shaken.  This is increasingly concerning as the flock are in the early stages of pregnancy.

Please keep your dogs on a lead if anywhere near livestock, especially if going through a field with animals in.  Only go where there is a public footpath and keep to the path at all times.  This is especially important at this time of year with some animals pregnant and please pick up any dog faeces as it can cause illness and abortions, taking it home or to the nearest dog bin.

If you have any information re the above incident that could help the police with their enquiries please call 101 and refer to inc 170 of 8/1/21, advise online at www.warwickshire.police.uk or email ruralwatch@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk.

Thank you for your assistance with this incident.