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Suspicious Incidents Reported in Polesworth and Birchmoor

Inc 78 of 10/2/21

Some time between 03.00 hrs and 04.00 hrs, 10/2/21, an unknown person approached vehicles parked in Sunset Close, Park Avenue and Sunfields Close, then went onto Alan Smith Close, Wood Road, Grinham Avenue and Thompson Way in Polesworth.    Nothing was stolen, no damage to vehicles.

Inc 57 of 10/2/21

Report received of vehicles being approached by a male in the early hours of the morning of 10/2/21, in Chetwynd Avenue, Polesworth, Dordon Road, Dordon and Cockspur Street, Birchmoor. Nothing taken and no damage to vehicles.

If you saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area, or have any information that could help the police with their enquiries, or possible CCTV or Dash-cam footage, please contact us by either advising us online at www.warwickshire.police.uk, by email to ruralwatch@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk or by calling 101, referring to the incident number stated.

For crime prevention advice, please go to our websites at www.warwickshire.police.uk and www.warwickshireruralwatch.co.uk.