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Two Suspected Rogue Traders Arrested in Rugby

Two men from Northamptonshire have been arrested by officers investigating an alleged incident involving rogue traders in Rugby.

The arrests happened after neighbours raised concerns that a man in his 80s was been asked to pay thousands of pounds for roof work that didn’t need doing.

It is alleged the suspects approached the victim at his house in the Overslade area and told him his roof needed repairing and asked him for more than £14,000 upfront which the victim paid.

The suspects returned to the property multiple times demanding more money. The victim handed over another £20,000.

After neighbours raised concerns officers attended the property and arrested a 43-year-old man from Kettering and 42-year-old man from Corby on suspicion of fraud by false representation. They have both been bailed until next month while enquiries continue.

Detective Constable Matthew Kandt from Rugby CID said: “Rogue traders normally target elderly and vulnerable people. Fortunately, in this case, good-hearted neighbours were looking out for the victim and alerted police to their concerns.

“it is a despicable crime and we urge people to lookout for signs that vulnerable people are being scammed.”

How to spot the signs:

Has the person:

  • Had work done on their property or garden that wasn’t planned?
  • Been pressured into additional work that has cost more money?
  • Visited the bank or cash machine more than usual, or made any large online transfers?
  • Not been given a detailed receipt for the work that has been done?
  • Understood exactly what work is being completed?
  • Started acting troubled or distracted

Has the trader:

  • Made contact by cold-calling the potential victim?
  • Failed to provide a ‘right of cancellation’ notice?
  • Returned to the property frequently to do other work or drop off other workers?
  • Refused to speak to anyone other than the potential victim?
  • Completed work to a poor standard or not completed work at all?
  • Demanded to be paid in cash or a cheque made out to a different name?

If you are concerned someone is being targeted by rogue traders contact police. If a crime is progress call 999 immediately. To report a crime that has taken place call 101.

If you have information that could help police with their ongoing enquiries into this incident call 101 quoting reference 225 of 3 May 2021. Alternatively, information can be provided anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.