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Warwickshire Covid-19 Mental Wellbeing & Resilience Fund Details

The Warwickshire County Council’s Warwickshire Covid-19 Mental Wellbeing & Resilience Fund provides grant funding to organisations to support the residents of Warwickshire’s mental health and wellbeing both during and through the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The fund would like to offer community and voluntary sector organisations including grassroot organisations and town and parish councils the opportunity to bid for funding to improve mental health, wellbeing and resilience across Warwickshire.

Warwickshire County Council (WCC) are hosting a meet the funder event on the Tuesday 18 May 10am-11.30am via Microsoft Teams to give local groups and organisations an opportunity to find out more about the fund, understand the application process and ask questions of the panel.


  • 10:00am-10:05am- Welcome and Housekeeping – WCAVA
  • 10:05am-10:10am- Introducing the Warwickshire Covid-19 Mental Wellbeing & Resilience Fund- Paula Mawson-WCC
  • 10:10am-10:40am- Overview of the Warwickshire Covid-19 Mental Wellbeing & Resilience Fund and the application process – Neesha Memetovic-Bye-WCC
  • 10:40am-11:10am – Q&A
  • 11:10am-11:25am – Support from WCAVA and close

It is anticipated that funding for projects will be extremely high in demand so early booking is recommended.

This event will be filmed for those that cannot attend.

Please note the fund will also be open to workplaces and a separate meet the funders event will be launched.

If you have a question about the event or would like to ask a question about the fund in advance please email: mentalwellbeingfunds@warwickshire.gov.uk
