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Farm & Equine Only County

Street Safe Information

The force is supporting Street Safe a new national online tool to allow people to flag places where they have felt unsafe. The system – which is primarily aimed at women and girls – allows members of the public to anonymously drop a pin onto a map and describe factors that caused them concern, including…

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Alert re Payment Diversion Fraud

Payment Diversion Fraud (PDF), also known as Business Email Compromise (BEC), tends to affect businesses and customers where electronic financial transactions are taking place. What is Payment Diversion Fraud? Payment Diversion Fraud (PDF), also known as Business Email Compromise (BEC) or Mandate Fraud, affects businesses and customers where electronic financial transactions are taking place. Criminals…

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Six Men Arrested Following Joint Operation

Six men were arrested and a large quantity of Class A drugs seized as a result of a joint operation carried out by the Warwickshire Police County Lines Disruption Team and Serious Organised Crime Unit, on Wednesday 20 October. Heroin, Cocaine and associated drug paraphernalia were uncovered during the execution of drug warrants at two…

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Modern Day Slavery Advice

Sadly, slavery is not confined to history books. Warwickshire Police are joining with charities, businesses, individuals, local authorities and colleagues from other police forces to raise awareness of slavery in 2021. Modern slavery and human trafficking are horrendous crimes affecting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities. People are forced to work each day against…

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Have your say on contacting Warwickshire Police

A survey has been launched to help inform our understanding of how the public wish to contact and engage with the force. The survey has been commissioned by Warwickshire Police and is open to anyone who lives or works in the county. Those taking part in the survey do not need to have ever contacted…

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Caravan Recovered in Ryton on Dunsmore

Officers from the Rural Crime Team and Rugby Police Safer Neighbourhood Team attended a location near Ryton on Dunsmore this week. Information was received that a stolen caravan was being stored at the location. The caravan was confirmed as stolen, taken from Inkberrow in Worcestershire in 2016, so was seized and recovered. Unfortunately the caravan was…

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Rural Security Event on Monday 18th October

The Warwickshire Rural Crime Team will be at the Rural Security Event at Rugby Farmers Market, Stoneleigh Park, CV8 2RG, on Monday 18th October, between 10am and 2pm. Also there will be the NFU, NFU Mutual Insurance, Tracker UK with their new nano trackers and Datatag, plus different types of crime prevention equipment for you to see.…

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Advice on Second Hand Caravans

The Rural Crime Team have put together a short video for those looking at purchasing a 2nd hand caravan. https://www.facebook.com/WarwickshireRuralCrimeTeam/videos/137952598546701 (If this link does not work by clicking onto, copy and paste into your browse bar). This is part 1 of 3 videos that they will be releasing over the next few weeks. The films…

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British Deer Society Survey re Vehicle Collisions and Near Misses

Please find attached a survey the British Deer Society would appreciate your input on with regard to vehicle collisions and near misses on the road : https://us3.list-manage.com/survey?u=a3d1bae013b8e00d8c1d13124&id=3f73e823e7&e=*|UNIQID|* (If the link does not work by clicking on it, cut and paste into your toolbar). Further information is available at www.bds.org.uk The results will go into a report for…

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