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Farm & Equine Only County

Warwickshire Police Update on the Policing of the Current Lockdown

Assistant Chief Constable Alex Franklin-Smith, Warwickshire Police, has issued this update on the policing of the current lockdown. “We are now a week into the current lockdown, and while the majority of people in Warwickshire are following the rules, we are continuing to see some ignore the restrictions and choose to put others at risk.…

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Beware Puppy Scams Warning From Trading Standards

Warwickshire County Council’s Trading Standards Service are warning to consumers to beware of puppy scams. Trading Standards Animal Health Officers have received reports of criminal gangs illegally smuggling puppies in to the UK to sell, puppies being stolen and sold on and consumers paying thousands of pounds to bogus online sellers for puppies that don’t exist.…

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Vehicles Recovered by Rural Crime Team

Following the theft at a farm in Tysoe, South Warwickshire where a VW Amorok, Kubota UK, ATV, horse trailer and tack was stolen, the Rural Crime Team came on duty and noticed that we were still waiting for tracker data from the tracker fitted to the vehicle stolen from the location.   The team have contacts…

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Seasons Greetings & a Happy New Year From Rural Watch

On behalf of the Rural Crime Team and Warwickshire Police I would like to sincerely wish you a Happy and Safe New Year and thank you for your support on our Rural Watch Scheme. I hope that you have found the posts that are sent out on Rural Watch useful and informative and look forward…

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More Than Half of People in Custody Over Christmas Weekend Were Arrested on Suspicion of Domestic Offences

More than half of the people arrested over the Christmas weekend* were detained on suspicion of committing domestic offences. Of the 60 people in custody over the weekend, 34 were arrested on suspicion of committing domestic offences including sexual assault, assault, criminal damage, coercive and controlling behaviour, breach of non-molestation orders, threats to kill and…

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Domestic Abuse Advice

This time of year isn’t always happy especially for those suffering from abuse. Check in on your friends, family, neighbours and colleagues and if you have any concerns, speak out and seek help from police or Refuge Warwickshire. Always dial 999 in an emergency. Comment Share

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Waste Crime – Abandoned Trailers Containing Waste

Trailers full of waste have been found abandoned across the country putting the environment at risk. The Joint Unit for Waste Crime is investigating this. If you have any information that can help with the enquiries please email ruralwatch@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 807 060.

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Commissioner’s Grants Scheme Now Open to Applications For 2021/22

Projects and initiatives designed to help boost community safety and victim care across Warwickshire are being invited to bid for a share of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s annual grants scheme funding. The Commissioner’s Grants Scheme is an annual award which seeks to support initiatives which will make a positive contribution to the objectives of…

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