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Farm & Equine Only County

Warwickshire Police Warn of Bogus Texts

Warwickshire residents are reporting bogus texts, some that appear among genuine threads of texts from banks, other service providers or retailers. One Warwickshire resident reported receiving a bogus text from the Halifax bank stating that his online account would be cancelled if he didn’t log in to it via a link in the text. Another…

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Warning of Fraudsters Claiming to be From the Police

Warwickshire residents were conned out of £26,000 in two separate incidents on the 12th October. A man in his 80s from Leamington was conned out of £8,500 and a woman in her 70s from Rugby was conned out of £17,500. In both cases they were called by fraudsters claiming to be from the police and…

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Eight Arrested in Serious and Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) Investigation

Eight people were arrested this morning as part of an investigation into organised criminality in Warwickshire. Officers from the force’s Serious and Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) executed warrants in Rugby, Daventry, Bishops Tachbrook and Lighthorne Heath. A 43-year-old man and a 38-year-old woman were arrested in Montgomery Drive, Rugby. A 28-year-old man was arrested in…

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Warwickshire Police Part of Operation Gallileo to Address Hare Coursing

Since harvest, we have been seeing a sharp rise in hare coursing across the county, however Warwickshire Police are now proud to be part of Op Gallileo, a national police effort to tackle this barbaric illegal ‘sport’. Being part of this operation means more cross border information and intelligence sharing, targetting known prolific offenders and of…

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Vehicle Number Plate Thefts

There has been a number of incidents around the county of vehicle registration plates being stolen. If this happens it is important to report it to the police as they may be put on another vehicle by the offenders and used in a crime.  This can be reported online at www.warwickshire.police.uk or calling 101. FREE anti…

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Survey Regarding Domestic Abuse Support in Warwickshire

Warwickshire County Council and Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner are reviewing their Domestic Abuse Accommodation and Support Service to understand people’s experience of domestic abuse and accessing support in Warwickshire. Please take part in their survey to help with this work: https://ask.warwickshire.gov.uk/i…/domestic-abuse-residents/

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National Police Memorial Day

We acknowledge and honour those officers that have given their life in protecting the public and thank our force for all that they do. Sunday 27th September – National Police Memorial Day. Especially in our thoughts are the family, colleagues and friends of Sgt Matiu Ratana.

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