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Nuneaton and Bedworth Rural Area

GPS Stolen From Tractor in Hurley

Inc 82 of 30/7/21 Sometime between midnight and 00.30hrs on Thursday morning (29th July), unknown offender(s) entered a rural property in Hurley and stole a Trimble GPS system from a tractor. If you saw any vehicles parked up around this time in the area, especially around Hurley or Baxterley please let us know. If you…

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Warwickshire Road Safety Partners – Primary School Parking Survey

Warwickshire Road Safety Partners are looking for the views of Primary Schools, Parents/Carersand local residents to understand School Parking across the county. To complete the survey as a parent go to: https://forms.office.com/r/jeWYQCC50S Partners include; Warwickshire County Council, Warwickshire Police and Office of Police andCommissioner for Warwickshire. See attached leaflet : School Parking Survey Deadline : 30th…

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New Email Address for Farmers for Agricultural Dispensations

Please be aware that the new email address for Agricultural Dispensations for moving larger vehicles and loads on the roads is: Abloads@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk  Items needed:  Vehicles to be covered (Type:  tractor, combine harvester) Make and VRM. Certificate of Insurance (use on a road type). For further information and advice call: Abnormal Loads, Vehicle Recovery, & Alarms Tel.  01926…

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Watch Out For Sextortion Scams

Watch out for #SextortionScams! Hackers claim to have taken control of your device and have footage of you viewing adult sites and demand money to not share it. Don’t panic, never pay them and forward it to report@phishing.gov.uk! #WarksCyberProtect https://bit.ly/2SUUVhY

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Work of the Domestic Abuse Unit

This morning PC SCARLE from the Southern domestic abuse unit and PC SMITH from the Northern domestic abuse unit have attended Coventry and Warwickshire Magistrates court in order to apply for 2 domestic violence protection orders (DVPO) A DVPO is an emergency civil order which can last for up to 28 days and contains conditions…

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Puppies Seized at Car Boot Sale

Over the weekend officers from the local Safer Neighbourhoods Team and Rural Crime Team attended a car boot sale in the area following a report of puppies being sold from the back of a van.  Two puppies have been seized and handed over to the RSPCA.  Enquiries are on going. Advice from Trading Standards: Buy…

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Sheep Worrying Incident

The investigation into this sheep worrying incident has now been concluded by our Rural Crime Team. Taking into account the victims wishes, both dog owners received conditional cautions which ensured the victim was compensated for vet bills incurred. In addition to this, one of the dogs has been re-homed and both dogs remain subject to…

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Farm & Equine Crime Prevention Mornings a Great Success

Thank you to everyone who attended our crime prevention mornings last week at Stratford Farmers market and Malt Kiln Farm Shop. We were busy on both days, speaking to lots of people about crime prevention in general, including providing trackers and beams, plus our gate signs and vehicle stickers.

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