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Nuneaton and Bedworth Rural Area

Man From Arley Banned From Driving For 13 Months

A 30 year old man from Arley has been banned from driving for 13 months after he was arrested for drink driving by officers from the Nuneaton Safer Neighbourhood Team in December 2019. A PCSO on patrol in Bridge Street, Nuneaton spotted him stumbling as he got out of the car and went into a…

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Stolen Polaris Recovered and Male Arrested

Officers from OPU Warwickshire located this stolen Polaris UK Ranger being driven in the area of Cleeve Prior during the early hours of the morning (Friday 16th October). After a short pursuit and subsequent foot chase a 19 year old male was arrested at the scene and the vehicle recovered by police for examination. Warwickshire…

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Warning of Fraudsters Claiming to be From the Police

Warwickshire residents were conned out of £26,000 in two separate incidents on the 12th October. A man in his 80s from Leamington was conned out of £8,500 and a woman in her 70s from Rugby was conned out of £17,500. In both cases they were called by fraudsters claiming to be from the police and…

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Hate Crime Awareness Week 2020: Don’t Suffer in Silence

This week is Hate Crime Awareness Week 2020 and Warwickshire Police are marking it by urging victims not to suffer in silence. Throughout the pandemic, many people have been isolated from friends, family and communities, and police are concerned there may be a lot of victims of hate crime who are not reporting to police. Inspector…

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Warwickshire Police Part of Operation Gallileo to Address Hare Coursing

Since harvest, we have been seeing a sharp rise in hare coursing across the county, however Warwickshire Police are now proud to be part of Op Gallileo, a national police effort to tackle this barbaric illegal ‘sport’. Being part of this operation means more cross border information and intelligence sharing, targetting known prolific offenders and of…

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Vehicle Entered in Bubbenhall

Some time between 9.15 hrs and 12.00 hrs today (6/10/20), unknown offender(s) smashed a window and entered a vehicle parked on Ryton Road, Bubbenhall and stole a handbag and its contents. If you saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area, or have any information that could help the police with their enquiries, including possible CCTV or Dash-cam footage, please…

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Vehicle Number Plate Thefts

There has been a number of incidents around the county of vehicle registration plates being stolen. If this happens it is important to report it to the police as they may be put on another vehicle by the offenders and used in a crime.  This can be reported online at www.warwickshire.police.uk or calling 101. FREE anti…

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