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Nuneaton and Bedworth Rural Area

Warwickshire Trading Standards Warning

CRIMINALS are using the coronavirus crisis to commit doorstep crime Warwickshire Trading Standards are warning in an alert issued on Thursday 26 March 2020. Reports have emerged of people receiving unexpected doorstep visits from individuals offering to to buy or collect shopping on behalf of those who are self isolating. The thieves then take cash…

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Three Men Jailed for Sheep Butchery

Three men have been jailed yesterday (27/3/20) after admitting carrying out a campaign of barbaric illegal sheep butchery across Northamptonshire. Robert Iordan, Florin Nutu and Viorel Manu’s attacks on sheep and lambs in the dead of night throughout last summer had the county’s livestock farming community gripped in fear. But they were hunted down by Northamptonshire…

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Appeal From Warwickshire Rural Hub

Appeal from Warwickshire Rural Hub: The current coronavirus crisis is affecting all of us.  But what if you were a farmer unable to feed your stock because of your own self-isolation, or because all of your staff had been required to self-isolate for 7 or 14 days? And what if you also required help with…

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Trading Standards Warn of Scam Text Re Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Throughout this period, Warwickshire County Council Trading Standards is endeavouring to keep Warwickshire consumers and businesses updated on Trading Standards related Coronavirus (COVID-19) issues including scams, doorstep crime and business advice/regulations.  Please see the attached document fro more information: Trading Standards Coronavirus Scam Alert Warwickshire residents warned of scam COVID-19 texts Following yesterday’s genuine GOV.UK…

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2020 Crime Survey – Do You Have a Few Minutes to Complete and Say What Matters to You

In Warwickshire a range of organisations including local Councils, Fire and Rescue, the Police, the Probation Service, Health and Third Sector organisations work together to address community safety through the Safer Warwickshire Partnership Board. The Board aims to create safer communities and wants to understand what residents and businesses are currently concerned about in relation…

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Warwickshire Police Chief Constable calls on the public to stay at home to save lives and protect the NHS

Warwickshire Police is working with Government officials and local partners to understand how the new social distancing measures, announced yesterday, can be effectively enforced to keep people in Warwickshire safe. Speaking today, Warwickshire Police Chief Constable Martin Jelley, said: “The force fully supports these latest measures the Government has announced to ensure social distancing, which…

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Advice When Walking in the Countryside During This Present Time

From speaking with our NFU there are real concerns regarding people using public footpaths through farm yards and next to farm buildings. Some farmers, for a number of reasons, are in self isolatation, so please try to avoid these areas when taking your daily exercise. There is also concern about numerous people touching the same…

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Two Sheep Killed and Taken Near Walsgrave on Sowe

Overnight unknown offender(s) have entered a field near Walsgrave on Sowe and killed two ewes that they have then taken.  Four lambs were left behind in the field.  If you were in the area during last night/this morning and saw anyone acting suspiciously in this area or have any information that could help the police with their…

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