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Rugby Rural Area

Fireworks – Horses, Livestock and Pets

If you are planning to celebrate bonfire night with fireworks, please inform horse owners and farmers in your local area, so that they can make sure they can plan and prepare appropriately. Horses are flight animals and can become stressed by loud bangs and sudden flashes of lights in the sky Read more here about…

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Trading Standards Information – Vet Attestation requirement from 13th December 2023

We have been asked by Warwickshire Trading Standards to pass on the following information to farmers, producers: Vet Attestation requirement from 13th December 2023. For livestock markets and producers This requirement will affect those using livestock markets for onward consignment to abattoirs/export and certain abattoirs in the UK. From 13th December 2023, to show compliance…

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Missing Cow Found Safe and Well

We are really pleased to report that the missing cow we sent an alert out on earlier in the week has been found safe and well and is now happy back with her calf. Huge thanks to everyone who shared and looked out for her, it really did help.

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Cow Missing in Church Lawford

Upate – Cow Found and Safely Back with Calf We have received a report of a Red Poll Cross cow, rich brown colour, approximately 8/9 years old missing from a field in Church Lawford. She went missing on Saturday 2nd September. The cow did have a calf so will have a full udder. The calf…

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GPS Equipment Stolen From Tractors Near Austrey

Crime Ref: 23/37232/23 At around 02.15/02.30 hrs yesterday morning (01/09/23), offenders entered a rural property near Austrey and stole GPS equipment from tractors on the yard. It is believed that they parked a vehicle nearby and went back to it after committing the theft. Did you see anyone acting suspiciously in the area around this…

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