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Rugby Rural Area

Caravan Stolen in Church Lawford

Sometime between 18/7/20 and 16.30 hrs 20/7/20, unknown offender(s) forced entry to a secure outbuilding at a rural property in Lawford Heath and stole a white Bailey Pegasus Turin 2017. If you saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area or may have seen this vehicle being moved please call 101 and refer to inc 284…

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Advice on Purchasing Caravans and Motorhomes

Don’t be tricked into paying for caravans and motorhomes that don’t exist. If you’re asked to pay an upfront fee for a vehicle TakeFive Be suspicious of any “too good to be true” offers or prices – if it’s at a rock bottom price ask yourself why. Conduct your own research before making any purchases…

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Do You Know of a Planned Illegal Rave?

Heard of a planned illegal rave in your area? Warwickshire Police are appealing to our local communities to get in touch if you hear anything about a planned rave in Warwickshire. These events are unauthorised & unlicensed & pose a serious risk to public health. Please call 101 with any information or email ruralwatch@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk in confidence.

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Rugby Distraction Burglary Arrests

Two men have been arrested in connection with a distraction burglary. The 18-year-old man from Netherton, West Midlands, and 19-year-old man from Evesham were arrested in Coleshill yesterday (Wednesday 15 July) by officers from the Warwickshire Police Operational Policing Unit as part of an investigation into a distraction burglary in Overslade, Rugby on Monday afternoon.…

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Theft From Van in Pailton

Some time overnight (13th/14th July) unknown offender(s) have forced entry to a van on Lutterworth Road, Pailton and stole a hedge cutter.  If you saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area, may have possible CCTV or SatNav footage or any information that could assist the police with their enquiries please call 101 and refer to…

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Warwickshire Police Warn of ‘Spoofing’ Tricks

Criminals are using “spoofing” to trick you into thinking you’re being contacted by Amazon. Be suspicious of fake emails offering you a free gift card as links contained can lead to your device being infected with malware. Forward potential scam emails to report@phishing.gov.uk

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Force Supports National Remembrance Day for ‘Honour-Based’ Abuse

Warwickshire Police is supporting the national day of remembrance for ‘honour-based’ abuse today (Tuesday 14 July). ‘Honour-based’ abuse can affect men and women across all ages and a number of cultures and communities. It is defined as a crime or incident committed to protect or defend the honour of the family. It can take many…

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Caravan Stolen in Fillongley

On Thursday night (9/7/20), unknown offender(s) entered a secure rural property in Green End, Fillongley and stole a caravan, details of the vehicle to be advised.  If you saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area, saw a caravan being moved around this time, could possibly have CCTV or SatNav footage or any information that could assist the police…

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Suspicious Activity Reported in Cawston

A number of calls have been received from residents in Cawston re a male trying door handles and also entering vehicles in the past two days.  Please be vigilant and ensure your vehicles and homes are locked and secure.  Even in the warm weather windows too need to be closed unless you are in the same…

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